Our BioChar is a naturally occurring substance that has been around for literally thousands of years. It is the solid output resulting from organic matter being heated in an oxygen deprived environment. It differs from charcoal and carbon in that we carefully manufacture our BioChar in a controlled continuous feed environment which allows our BioChar to hold very unique properties that you cannot find produced bn your normal kiln style BioChar system. Our BioChar is highly sought after in a wide range of applications including agricultural and soil amendment, Stormwater treatment, geotextile applications for construction and renewing waterways & soil remediation applications.

Stormwater Biochar
Biosphere biochar based filtration is the premier emerging treatment solution for targeting removal of unwanted contaminants from stormwater runoff projects. Stormwater professionals have successfully used our biochar in a wide range of environmental applications including, media filters, above and in-ground bio-filtration system’s, temporary environmental remediation systems and permeable barrier treatment walls. Removal of COD, TSS, Cu, Zn, Cd and a variety of other contaminants can be accomplished when using Biosphere biochar blended products for your specific project needs.

Agricultural Soil Amendments
When used as a soil amendment, biochar is effective at increasing plant productivity and yield, improving soil water-holding capacity, and reducing nutrient leaching leading to lower fertilizer requirements and associated costs. In the soil, it can remove unwanted pollutants such as VOCs and pesticides from both agricultural soils and storm water run-off.
Biochar has been observed to increase soil pH levels in acidic soil. It can also increase plant responses to various diseases while decreasing the occurrence of fungal diseases in plants. When biochar is present in the soil, emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane from the soil are decreased.